Ledger® Live* Wallet gitbook

The "LEDGER® Live Wallet" GitBook provides comprehensive guidance on using Ledger Live, the official software application for managing Ledger hardware wallets. Here's an overview of what you can expec

  1. Advanced Functions: For users looking to explore more advanced functionalities, the GitBook covers features such as managing multiple accounts, using third-party applications, and accessing additional settings.

  2. Troubleshooting: In case of any issues or questions, the guide provides troubleshooting tips and directs users to additional support resources, including Ledger's customer support channels and community forums.

  3. Security Best Practices: Throughout the guide, emphasis is placed on security best practices to help users safeguard their funds. This includes advice on securely storing recovery phrases, avoiding phishing scams, and keeping software up to date.

  4. Updates and News: The GitBook may also include updates and news related to Ledger Live, such as new features, software updates, and announcements from the Ledger team.

Last updated